February 2015

Calculus 2


Can anybody offer me any insight on how to simplify mathematics and mechanics?
My problem is: I always seem to over-think or over-complicate problems.
Anybody have any advice or key thoughts for me to think of when i am working out problems?


analytic geometry

find the equation of the circle that is tangent to the line 2x+y=1 and 2x+4y=3 and whose centeris on the line 2x-18y=-25

Cables and Arches

Hi! Just wondering if there will be any solved problems regarding cables and arches in the future. Having difficulties in my structural theory class. Thanks.

Cristhianares Light's picture

To MATHalino

I have posted problems in economy in this website.
I have told to my fellow CE students, that they may find eng'g economy problems in the said website,.. then they replied to me,.. they saw nothing in the forum.

Jhun Vert's picture

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Jovan Pacasum Tomawis's picture

what moment formula should I use ?

I'm working on a design analysis of a multistorey building(residential)
I'm totally new to this then I came across this when I started to design beams . . .
1)how do I know if 1 end is restrained or unrestrained ?

Potpot Xhico's picture

Elementary D.E by rainville

does anyone have a copy of it's solution manual?

Re: Solution to Problem 275 Thermal Stress

Sir, could you explain why the deformation due to load & temperature of brass & copper are subtracted instead of being added?

Link: /reviewer/mechanics-and-strength-of-materials/solution-to-problem-275-thermal-stress#comment-7829