Diagonaliseation a square matrix of any order.

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Manoj Karmakar
Manoj Karmakar's picture
Diagonaliseation a square matrix of any order.

Let A be a square matrix of order n. Then (A - kI)X = 0, where k is called eigen value and I is called Identity matrix of order n, X is called eigen vector, is called characterstic equation. The equation A - kI = 0 gives n values of k and for each value of k, n column vectors. P be the square matrix of order n formed by the n column vectors.

The diagonal matrix of A = (inverse of P)AP.

Manoj Karmakar
Manoj Karmakar's picture

Question no. 1. How to diagonalise a square matrix of order greater equal to four?
Question no. 2. Integrate of square root of(tan(x)).

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