Discussion on: 226 - Moment of force about different points

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Discussion on: 226 - Moment of force about different points

Following is a discussion on the Reviewer item titled: 226 - Moment of force about different points.
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If clockwise moments are positive, and the rotation of force F with respect to point A is counterclockwise, then the sign of the moment must be negative. The same case with other moments.

warpong12's picture

Why is the A ?? Its should be negative not positive?

Jhun Vert
Jhun Vert's picture

The standard sign for moment is positive for counterclockwise rotation and negative for clockwise rotation. The solution here uses these standard sign notations. You may reverse the signs if you wish as long as you are consistent. It will be fine specially if you indicate your preferred sign in your solution.


Where did the force triangle came from?

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