Solid Mensuration (Finding the weight)

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Tricia Dianne Sillan
Tricia Dianne Sillan's picture
Solid Mensuration (Finding the weight)

A large rectangular-shaped barge floats in a river, and a mark is made on the side at the level of the water. The
barge is 16 ft. long by 7 ft. broad. When a load of gravel is emptied into the barge, the barge sinks 4 ½ in. Find the
weight of the load of gravel. (The sides of the barge are made of comparatively thin wood, and the effect of the
immersion of the sides an extra 4 ½ in. may be neglected.

(Please help me with these questions)

Alexander's picture

The weight of the gravel loaded is equal to the weight of water displaced by the barge
W = γwVdisplaced
W = (62.4 lb/ft3)(16x7x4.5/12 ft3)
W = 2620.8 lbs

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