gallon to cubic inches conversion

028 Review Problem - Amount of metal sheet used to construct a water tank

Problem 28
028-water-tank.gifA water tank, open at the top, consists of a right circular cylinder and a right circular cone, as shown. If the altitude of the cylinder is three times its radius, and the altitude of the cone is two times the same radius, find the number of square feet of sheet metal required to construct a tank having a capacity of 10,000 gal. (One gal. = 231 cu. in.)

008 Review Problem - Pint tin can

Problem 8
Find the diameter of the base of the pint tin can whose height is 4 in. (231 cu. in. = 1 gal.); also, find the number of square feet of tin required to manufacture 10,000 such cans with tops. (Neglect the waste due to seams, etc.)

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