
Longitude of an airplane crossing the equator

An airplane flew from Davao City whose latitude is 14° N and longitude of 121.5° E on a course of S 30° W and maintaining uniform altitude. At what longitude will the plane cross the equator?
A. 110° 30' East
B. 122° 26' East
C. 113° 33' East
D. 116° 11' East



002 Review Problem - Great wall of China moved to the equator

Problem 2
The great Chinese wall is said to be 1500 miles long, 20 ft. high, 15 ft wide at the top, and 25 ft. wide at the bottom. If it were possible to build with this material a wall around the earth at the equator, of a uniform thickness of 4 ft., how high could it be made? (The equator is approximately 24,900 miles long.)

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