June 2011

Problem 324 | Equilibrium of Three-force System

Equilibrium Condition at the State of Impending Motion - Problem 324 of Engineering Mechanics

Problem 324
A wheel of 10-in radius carries a load of 1000 lb, as shown in Fig. P-324. (a) Determine the horizontal force P applied at the center which is necessary to start the wheel over a 5-in. block. Also find the reaction at the block. (b) If the force P may be inclined at any angle with the horizontal, determine the minimum value of P to start the wheel over the block; the angle P makes with the horizontal; and the reaction at the block.

Wheel to roll over a block

Problem 325 | Equilibrium of Three-force System

Amount and direction of the smallest force P required to start the wheel over the block

Problem 325
Determine the amount and direction of the smallest force P required to start the wheel in Fig. P-325 over the block. What is the reaction at the block?

Wheel to roll over a block in the incline


Problem 326 | Equilibrium of Force System

Reactions at Smooth Contact Surfaces of Stacked Cylinders - Equilibrium of Force System

Problem 326
The cylinders in Fig. P-326 have the indicated weights and dimensions. Assuming smooth contact surfaces, determine the reactions at A, B, C, and D on the cylinders.



Problem 327 | Equilibrium of Force System

Using Slope to Define the Direction of a Force | Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces

Problem 327
Forces P and F acting along the bars shown in Fig. P-327 maintain equilibrium of pin A. Determine the values of P and F.

Two bars supporting horizontal and vertical loads


Problem 328 | Equilibrium of Force System

Slope instead of angle to define the x- and y-components of force | Equilibrium of Force System

Problem 328
Two weightless bars pinned together as shown in Fig. P-328 support a load of 35 kN. Determine the forces P and F acting respectively along bars AB and AC that maintain equilibrium of pin A.

Two bars supoorting a downward force


Problem 329 | Equilibrium of Force System

Problem 329 - Equilibrium Position of Two Cylinders On Smooth Cylindrical Surface

Problem 329
Two cylinders A and B, weighing 100 lb and 200 lb respectively, are connected by a rigid rod curved parallel to the smooth cylindrical surface shown in Fig. P-329. Determine the angles α and β that define the position of equilibrium.

Two cylinders mounting on the surface of large cylinder


Problem 332 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 332
Determine the reactions for the beam shown in Fig. P-332.



Problem 333 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 333
Determine the reactions R1 and R2 of the beam in Fig. P-333 loaded with a concentrated load of 1600 lb and a load varying from zero to an intensity of 400 lb per ft.



Problem 334 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 334
Determine the reactions for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-334.



Problem 335 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 335
The roof truss in Fig. P-335 is supported by a roller at A and a hinge at B. Find the values of the reactions.



Problem 336 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 336
The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P-336 is built into a wall 2 ft thick so that it rests against points A and B. The beam is 12 ft long and weighs 100 lb per ft.



Problem 337 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 337
The upper beam in Fig. P-337 is supported at D and a roller at C which separates the upper and lower beams. Determine the values of the reactions at A, B, C, and D. Neglect the weight of the beams.



Problem 338 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 338
The two 12-ft beams shown in Fig. 3-16 are to be moved horizontally with respect to each other and load P shifted to a new position on CD so that all three reactions are equal. How far apart will R2 and R3 then be? How far will P be from D?




Equality, Inequality, Index Law, Logarithm, Polynomials, Binomial Expansion, Proportion, Quadratic, Roots, Partial Fraction, Variation, Progression, Verbal Problems, Permutation, Combination, Probability, Matrix, Determinants, Complex Numbers, Venn Diagram.

Laws of Exponents and Radicals

Laws of Exponents (Index Law)
1. $x^n = x \cdot x \cdot x ... \, (n \text{ factors})$

2. $x^m \cdot x^n = x^{m + n}$

3. $(x^m)^n = x^{mn}$

4. $(xyz)^n = x^n \, y^n \, z^n$

5. $\dfrac{x^m}{x^n} = x^{m - n}$

6. $\left( \dfrac{x}{y} \right)^n = \dfrac{x^n}{y^n}$

7. $x^{-n} = \dfrac{1}{x^n}$   and   $\dfrac{1}{x^{-n}} = x^n$

8. $x^0 = 1$,   provided   $x \ne 0$.

9. $(x^m)^{1/n} = (x^{1/n})^m = x^{m/n}$

10. $x^{m/n} = \sqrt[n]{x^m}$

11. If   $x^m = x^n$,   then   $m = n$   provided   $x \ne 0$.

Logarithm and Other Important Properties in Algebra

Properties of Logarithm

  1. If   $y = a^x$,   then   $\log_a y = x$.   ← Definition of logarithm
  2. $\log_a xy = \log_a x + \log_a y$
  3. $\log_a \dfrac{x}{y} = \log_a x - \log_a y$
  4. $\log_a x^n = n \log_a x$
  5. $\log_a a = 1$
  6. $\log_a 1 = 0$
  7. $\log_{10} x = \log x$   ←   Common logarithm
  8. $\log_e x = \ln x$   ←   Naperian or natural logarithm
  9. $\log_y x = \dfrac{\log x}{\log y} = \dfrac{\ln x}{\ln y}$   ←   Change base rule
  10. If   $\log_a x = \log_a y$,   then   $x = y$.
  11. If   $\log_a x = y$,   then   $x = {\rm antilog}_a \, y$.


Special Products and Factoring

Special Products
1.   $(x + y)(x - y) = x^2 - y^2$

2.   $(x + y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2$

3.   $(x - y)^2 = x^2 - 2xy + y^2$

Binomial Theorem

The Expansion of (a + b)n
If   $n$   is any positive integer, then

$(a + b)^n = a^n + {_nC_1}a^{n - 1}b + {_nC_2}a^{n - 2}b^2 + \, \cdots \, + {_nC_m}a^{n - m}b^m + \, \cdots \, + b^n$

${_nC_m}$ = combination of n objects taken m at a time.

Quadratic Equations in One Variable

Quadratic Equation
Quadratic equation is in the form

$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$

a, b, & c = real-number constants
a & b = numerical coefficient or simply coefficients
a = coefficient of x2
b = coefficient of x
c = constant term or simply constant
a cannot be equal to zero while either b or c can be zero

Problem 339 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 339
The differential chain hoist shown in Fig. P-339 consists of two concentric pulleys rigidly fastened together. The pulleys form two sprockets for an endless chain looped over them in two loops. In one loop is mounted a movable pulley supporting a load W. Neglecting friction, determine the maximum load W that can just be raised by a pull P supplied as shown.

Differential Chain Hoist


Problem 340 - 341 | Equilibrium of Parallel Force System

Problem 340
For the system of pulleys shown in Fig. P-340, determine the ratio of W to P to maintain equilibrium. Neglect axle friction and the weights of the pulleys.

System of Five Pulleys


Differential Equations of Order One

Separation of Variables
Homogeneous Functions
Equations with Homogeneous Coefficients
Exact Equations
Linear Equations of Order One

Problem 04 | Separation of Variables

Problem 04
$2y \, dx = 3x \, dy$,   when   $x = 2$,   $y = 1$.

Solution 04
$2y \, dx = 3x \, dy$

$\dfrac{2y \, dx}{xy} = \dfrac{3x \, dy}{xy}$

Problem 02 | Separation of Variables

Problem 02
$2xy \, y' = 1 + y^2$,   when   $x = 2$,   $y = 3$.

Solution 2
$2xy \, y' = 1 + y^2$

$2xy \dfrac{dy}{dx} = 1 + y^2$
