Solid Mensuration (Paki sagot po)

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Angel Pabria Dayao
Angel Pabria Dayao's picture
Solid Mensuration (Paki sagot po)

1. The official distance bet. home plate and second base in a baseball diamond is 120ft. Find the area of the official ball diamond and the distance bet. the bases.

2. A metal washer 1inch in diameter is pierced by a 1/2 inch hole. What is the area of one face of the washer.

Jhun Vert
Jhun Vert's picture

Baseball diamond is actually a square, the given 120 ft is the diagonal of the square.
x2 + x2 = 1202
x2 = 7200 ft2   ←   Area
x = 60*sqrt(2) ft   ←   Distance bet. bases

Krystel Mae Andaya
Krystel Mae Andaya's picture


where B is
B=pie r square
B=pie(1/4) square
B=pie/16 in

Substitute B in V=Bh
V=(pie/16 in squared)(1/8 in)
V=pie/128 in cube
So the answer is
V=0.0245 in cube

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