Solids For Which V=Bh

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Solids For Which V=Bh

Imagine a cube measuring 3 units on an edge, and having its total surface area painted blue. Without the aid of a figure, answer the following questions.
(A) How many times must you cut completely through the cube to make cubes which measure 1 unit on an edge?
(B) How many of the cubes of question (A) will have
(a) Three blue faces?
(b) Two blue faces?
(c) One blue face?
(d) No blue face?
(C) How many cubes are there in all?
(D) How many times must you cut completely through one of the cubes of (a) to make cubes which measures 1/2 unit on an edge?
(E) Answer questions (B) and (C) with reference to the cubes of (D).

Jhun Vert
Jhun Vert's picture

(A) 6 times

(B-a) 8 pcs
(B-b) 12 pcs
(B-c) 6 pcs
(B-d) 1 pc

(C) 27 pcs

(D to E) Repeat the process


Solutions sir please :D

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