buoyant force

Stability of Floating Bodies

Any floating body is subjected by two opposing vertical forces. One is the body's weight W which is downward, and the other is the buoyant force BF which is upward. The weight is acting at the center of gravity G and the buoyant force is acting at the center of buoyancy BO. W and BF are always equal and if these forces are collinear, the body will be in upright position as shown below.



Problem 01 - Buoyancy

Problem 01
A piece of wood 305 mm (1 ft) square and 3 m (10 ft) long, weighing 6288.46 N/m3 (40 lb/ft3), is submerged vertically in a body of water, its upper end being flush with the water surface. What vertical force is required to hold it in position?

02-001-wood-submerged-in-water.gif           02-001-wood-submerged-in-water-english-units.gif



Archimedes Principle

Archimedes (287-212 B.C.)

Any body immersed in a fluid is subjected to an upward force called buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

$BF = \gamma V_D$

$BF$ = buoyant force
$\gamma$ = unit weight of fluid
$V_D$ = volume of fluid displaced by the body

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